The Good News: A Tribal Soul film concept in development… « Tribal Soul


The Good News: A Tribal Soul film concept in development…

An African reality-docudrama series about The Pres­i­dent of The African Diaspora’s efforts to make his nation vis­i­ble to them­selves and to the world. Pres­i­dent Alfred Prov­i­dence Cav­al­aba, a for­mer refugee him­self, decides to estab­lish The Good News Broad­cast­ing Com­pany (GNBC) in order to bring hope to his peo­ple and their fam­i­lies by mak­ing their lives and good news vis­i­ble. The Pres­i­dent must form a Cab­i­net of trust­wor­thy men and women and raise funds for his enter­prise. The only trou­ble is The Pres­i­dent has lost his mem­ory and the account num­ber to his Swiss bank account.

This is a taste of what we’ve been work­ing on, filmed in The Nether­lands dur­ing a sem­i­nar on decolo­nial­ity at Roo­sevelt Acad­emy, Middeburg.

We wel­come your ideas, feed­back, cri­tique, and other good ingredients.

If you wish to appear or know of any­one deserv­ing to be on The GOOD NEWS progamme, please con­tact Lara or Patrice.

Only folk with gen­uine Good News need step forward.

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