Shakespeare’s Soul Train « Tribal Soul


Shakespeare’s Soul Train

Work­ing with Young Peo­ple and Families

Shakespeare’s Soul Train is a fun pro­gramme for young peo­ple and early years with a wide range of learn­ing require­ments. This work focuses on an inter­dis­ci­pli­nary approach to devel­op­ing ‘learn­ing mus­cles’ through cre­ativ­ity. We use visual aids, rhythm, move­ment and sto­ries from Shakespeare’s plays to stim­u­late young minds to engage with the world around them. The pro­gramme often includes arts and crafts; Anwa Essien, an expe­ri­enced artist with a spe­cial focus on local com­mu­ni­ties, facil­i­tates prac­ti­cal sil­ver mak­ing work­shops where par­tic­i­pants design and pro­duce their own pure sil­ver jewellery.

We are happy to work together with organ­is­ers to design a work­shop plan com­pat­i­ble with any spe­cial inter­ests and needs.

This pro­gramme has run in diverse envi­ron­ments that include:

Hack­ney Col­lege of Per­form­ing Arts, Lon­don
Bor­ders Busters — South West Birm­ing­ham Local Author­ity School Clus­ter
Home edu­ca­tion group for early years in Birm­ing­ham
The Leone Prepara­tory School in Sierra Leone, West Africa
Sec­ondary schools in Bul­awayo, Zimbabwe


Patrice Naiambana
Anwa Essien


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