PROJECTS « Tribal Soul


The Man Who Committed Thought


In post­colo­nial Lion Moun­tain, a deter­mined peas­ant seeks jus­tice after hav­ing his cow eaten by the dic­ta­tor of the land, Pres­i­dent Janta. An ini­tially indif­fer­ent Angli­cised African lawyer, much given to quot­ing Shake­speare and the West­ern Canon, is forced to com­mit thought about his own per­sonal respon­si­bil­ity for the state of his coun­try. But is it all in vain?

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The Gospel of Othello

Gospel of Harare

An inter­dis­ci­pli­nary per­for­mance project that brings par­tic­i­pants together with pro­fes­sional artists and the­atre mak­ers to develop and stage their own ver­sion of Oth­ello. The play-building process engages with move­ment, impro­vi­sa­tion, song, dance, and ensem­ble act­ing, meld­ing Shake­spearean verse with the ver­nac­u­lar of com­mu­ni­ties in order to inter­ro­gate Shakespeare’s play.

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The Accused


A mul­ti­me­dia dance per­for­mance that explores what the con­di­tions of exile and deten­tion might mean for migrants as well as host cit­i­zens. What do host cit­i­zens have in com­mon with ‘out­siders’? How do we arrive at belong­ing? Avail­able for book­ing now.

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Shakespeare’s Soul Train

Shakespeare's Soul Train

A fun pro­gramme for young peo­ple and early years with a wide range of learn­ing require­ments. This work focuses on an inter­dis­ci­pli­nary approach to devel­op­ing ‘learn­ing mus­cles’ through cre­ativ­ity. We use visual aids, rhythm, move­ment and sto­ries from Shakespeare’s plays to stim­u­late young minds to engage with the world around them.

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