ABOUT « Tribal Soul


Tribal Soul is a hothaus­ing arts lab­o­ra­tory based in the United King­dom. We cre­ate inno­v­a­tive and func­tional inter­dis­ci­pli­nary art by bring­ing expe­ri­enced artists into fruit­ful col­lab­o­ra­tions with cit­i­zens and communities.

We have four imper­a­tives that shape our work:

  1. Cul­turepre­neur­ship: Offer­ing cre­ative appren­tice­ships and learn­ing for
    sus­tain­able livelihoods
  2. Social Trans­for­ma­tion: Con­tribut­ing to prac­ti­cal pos­i­tive change
  3. Legacy: Doc­u­ment­ing and dis­sem­i­nat­ing mar­gin­alised narratives
  4. Shared His­tory: Cul­ti­vat­ing an inclu­sive way of look­ing at our past, present and future

Our projects take a vari­ety of forms, from fully-fledged the­atre pro­duc­tions to infor­mal pub­lic shar­ings, to per­for­mance sem­i­nars and work­shops. Our par­tic­i­pants come from a range of sec­tors, and include pro­fes­sional per­form­ing artists, young peo­ple and early years, men­tal health staff and ser­vice users, uni­ver­sity stu­dents, and com­mu­nity groups. We have facil­i­tated cre­ative projects in the United King­dom, Bel­gium, the Nether­lands, Zim­babwe, Mozam­bique, South Africa, Sierra Leone, Canada, and Hong Kong.

We are a UK reg­is­tered social enter­prise: Com­mu­nity Inter­est Com­pany No: 8632461.
All sur­plus rev­enue is rein­vested into pro­vid­ing ser­vices that enhance the lives of excluded and mar­gin­alised communities.

Cul­turepre­neur­ship for social transformation

Dynamic, pro­duc­tive, and well-supported cul­tural enter­prise has the power to:

  • Pro­vide spaces for dia­logue and envi­sion­ing the future
  • Stim­u­late Dias­pora engage­ment in home com­mu­ni­ties and reverse brain drain
  • Pro­mote com­mu­nity cohe­sion and trust
  • Sup­port inter/intra cul­tural understanding
  • Facil­li­tate oppor­tu­ni­ties for heal­ing on an indi­vid­ual level, as well as communal/cultural therapy
  • Gather peo­ples in a cel­e­bra­tory shared experience


To book per­for­mances, or to inquire about bring­ing any of our projects to your organ­i­sa­tion or com­mu­nity, please con­tact Lara Week.